Saturday, June 16, 2007

When I think about Rev Ed Brock

I’ve been posting the comments that some members of the Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church made about Rev Dr. Ed Brock’s seven-year ministry. Tomorrow, I’ll post the comments that the Covenant Groups Coordinator made about Ed’s Leadership. Today, I’m posting the words of the President of the Board of Trustees. Sometime next week, I'll post my comments about the reasons for posting all these comments. I'll attempt to give my comments about the joys and challenges of being a Unitarian Universalist Minister.

“When I think of Rev Ed Brock”
Victor Place
President, EUUC Board of Trustees

When I think about the Reverend Ed Brock there are many things that come to mind.

I see the person Ed; I think about the role that he plays in peoples lives.

I think about the father, the husband, the son, the leader, the brother, the friend, the social activist, the minister, and the student, the man of good words and of good work.

I think about the man who for so many of our Sundays has worked to bring us words to contemplate during our week -- words to impact us, to remind us about being in the river of life; words to inspire us to appreciate, or to encourage us to act.

I think about being connected to what is alive in us.

I think about Ed modeling social activism in Florida during the elections and the search for personal truth in his interest in Non Violent Communication.

I think about a man who this congregation has watched create a family, who we watched become a father, a parent; who many of us could knowingly and warmly watch struggle with the tasks, and bathe in the bliss, of being a new parent. And while Ed was creating his family he also nurtured the life of this congregational family.

This congregation has grown and developed over these seven years with Ed as our minister. As it is in nuclear families, when one person changes or grows it effects the change and growth in the other members, so it is in the life of our church family.

We have, in collaboration with Ed’s leadership, and the will of the congregation, created new programs that reflect our values and principles.

Peace and Justice, Sustainability, Covenant Groups to name a few.

We have made efforts in being a Welcoming Congregation, we are working towards becoming a Green Sanctuary, and we have expanded our giving to our local and world communities. We are investing in our youth and the growth of our congregation.

We have all been moved, or inspired, or challenged, in some way affected by our relationship with Ed and I want to take this time to thank him for his gifts to us.