Thursday, May 31, 2007

Does the Blue Moon Have A Spiritual Significance?

Today's full moon is at 10 Sagittarius while the sun is at 10 Gemini. The full moon will occur at 1:04 GMT on June 1st in London. It will still be May 31st in the US and other countries west of London. These countries will experience the second full moon of May. When there are two full moons in a month it is called a blue moon. Countries east of Britain, for example, India, Australia and Japan will have a blue moon on June 30th.

Some people wonder if the blue moon means anything spiritually. I am not aware of any inherent spiritual significance of the blue moon. This is because the blue moon is not caused by the moon's relationship to other planets. Rather, it is an arbitrary creation for our time keeping purposes.

This full moon all over the world will particularly affect people whose birthdays fall on May 30th, May 31st and June 1st as well as Dec 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The natal sun of these people lies on the full moon axis.

People born in October-November 1927, July 1942, April 1943, January 1957, April-May 1972, October-November 1986 and April 2002 will be particularly affected by this full moon which falls on their natal Saturn. The effects lasts for only two weeks.

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