Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Waking Up Together With Pachamama Alliance

"He who goes to the river alone, gets eaten," says an African proverb. In The Fire from Within don Juan tells Carlos Castenada about the cost to an individual whose dreambody gazes alone at the Eagle's emanations, the fluid in eternal motion behind all that is.

"Seers who gazed at the Eagle's emanations without their dreambodies died, and those who gazed at them with their dreaming bodies burned with the fire within. The new seers solved the problem by seeing in teams. While one seer gazed at the emanations, others stood by ready to end the seeing."

There's much talk today about global awakening. New Age groups and religious organizations are talking about waking up from our sleep. Scientists are uncovering greater mysteries of matter. One such discoveries is non-locality, the concept that at the subatomic level time and distance as we know them are inexistent. Ready or not events are calling us to challenge our assumptions and to wake up to new paradigms of reality.

Waking up involves a lot of dedication, understanding, and compassion for ourselves. But it also involves working in a group with others.

This Saturday, June 9, in Seattle, WA., Mill Valley, CA. and Arlington, VA., the Pachamama Alliance will be organizing a symposium called Awakening the Dreamer. This will be a great opportunity to meet and work with others who are also waking up from their dreams.

Visit the Pachamama Alliance
For additional information about the symposium in Seattle visit:

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