Sunday, July 8, 2007

With love to Astrid Ganz

Love for women has inspired great works of art, music and literature. Yoko Ono influenced John Lennon's music; Hester Thrale's letters inspired Samuel Johnson's writing; the Russian-born psychotherapist Lou Andreas-Salomé enthralled Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud. Ludwig van Beethoven dedicated the Moonlight Sonata to his pupil, the 17-year-old Countess Giulietta Guicciardi. Charlotte Buff inspired Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther and Beatrice Portinari was an inspiration for Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Romantic love has served as a catalyst for creativity.

Like the women who have inspired great works of the past, an American woman, Astrid Ganz, is the inspiration for Soul On Fire , by Snow Eagle (aka Peter Calhoun). This is a collection of stories about the spiritual transformation of an Episcopalian Priest turned shaman.

“I dedicate this book to Astrid Ganz, my earthly partner and twin flame. No matter how many people you touch with your joy, laughter, and healing hands, no one will ever be touched more deeply than I. With all the miracles in my life, none can compare with how you stepped out of my dreamtime into my waking life to love and restore me.”

Snow Eagle was the ordained minister of St Jude’s Episcopalian church in Alabama for ten years, until the spring of 1968 when he left the ministry because he wanted to be true to himself.

“I would have been walking a paradox if I had remained in the church,” writes Snow Eagle. “My beliefs had changed so radically that I could not, in good faith, continue teaching the catechism, creeds, and doctrines that I had vowed to uphold at the time of my ordination.”

Soul on Fire is the unbelievable but true story of Snow Eagle’s thirty year quest as a shaman. Prepare to suspend disbelief as you read miraculous story to mysterious account of the author’s experiences: from making sticks spontaneously combust to making rain fall after a long spell of drought; from communicating with bees and asking them to leave a house they were taking over to having dreams that materialized in the physical world.

Snow Eagle had a recurrent dream about a woman. One day at a workshop he met a woman who looked exactly like the person he had been seeing in his dreams. “Twin Flame” tells the story of their coming together. Astrid Ganz entered his life when Snow Eagle’s health was failing. Astrid brought him hope, love and healing.

Soul on Fire is a story of the transformation of consciousness through the shamanic vision quest. It is the story of the magical world we live in. And it is the story of one man’s search for and discovery of true love.

To read more about Astrid:
To get your own copy of Soul on Fire: