Monday, June 11, 2007

Farewell, Ed and Alphise

Sunday, 10 June 2007, was the last Sunday of the church year at Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation. It was also Rev. Dr. Edward Brock's last day in the pulpit, ending his seven years as minister of this 330-member- liberal religious community.
"I believe...that my time for leadership here has passed. There is a need for new energy and talent to lead this wonderful congregation to even greater heights of achievement and service," Rev. Dr. Ed Brock wrote in a letter of 18 May 2007 he sent to Members and Friends of EUUC.
At the parting service, I was among seven people who spoke about Rev. Ed. Brock's legacy. Here's the full text of my talk.

Farewell, Alphise and Rev Dr. Ed Brock
Kwami E. Nyamidie

I was born in Togo, West Africa, a land far away....For someone from far away, it is important to find a welcoming community...

I found my community at this church...Being involved in this church changed my life. I came here through Alphise and you, and met Bruce, and one thing led to the other. I went to seminary and graduate school.

Now I am on my own course of ministry; my choices include becoming a minister or DRE. I have chosen a path that seems genuine to me, the work of spiritual direction. I am now building my spiritual direction practice.

One of our hymns speaks of how our community of faith gives us roots and wings. Roots ground us in what is firm and sure, and wings give us freedom. You have helped in giving me roots that ground my being; I am now preparing to take wing to rise as the spirit of life guides me.

Someone has said that we all have different needs at different stages of our lives. For me, this church, and you, Ed, have helped me make important decisions at a critical point in my life. For that I am deeply grateful.

Through this church and you, Ed, I have built relationships with some people here that will last a lifetime. For that also, I am deeply grateful.

As this congregation looks to its future, may you build a "community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the interdependence of all life, and works to bring justice and compassion into every dimension of the lives of its members."

Ed, as you venture into your future, may you experience constant enrichment of your life and ministry.

Here is link to the sermons of Rev. Dr Ed Brock